Beyond the “Why” & Understanding “How”
We are a “Do-Tank” and we take pride in our ability to produce an array of toolkits, guidelines, manuals and case study booklets that help members implement key commitments and resolutions, and the actions led by our Coalitions of Action. And, we drive industry-wide harmonisation of stretching supply chain standards so that all actors in the value chain are encouraged to work towards the Board’s “positive change” agenda. Our goal is simple: we want to provide members with the tools they need to implement business strategies that support the sustainable, long-term growth of their business, increase industry efficiencies and secure consumer trust.
We know it’s not always easy for companies to understand the business case for change, or where to get started when they do, so our work is integral to helping the industry move forward together.
Of course, this is not about development at any cost. Our support also ensures members consider the future of the planet and their consumers when aligning on pre-competitive issues that can only be solved collaboratively.
Developing Tools, Guidelines, Case Studies & More
Our work is supporting implementation across all our focus areas, be it environmental or social sustainability, consumer and employee health, food and product safety, or product data and the end-to-end value chain. Our resources are created by members for members and are downloaded around the world, being utilised by local players and multinationals alike.
Examples include: