The HRC builds on the legacy of the CGF’s previous work on social sustainability in which the CEOs of CGF member companies led historic efforts around human rights and forced labour. This history started in 2015 with the industry’s first-ever Social Resolution Against Forced Labour. This resolution is a groundbreaking commitment from the CGF’s CEO Board of Directors which sent a strong message from our industry that forced labour must be a top priority for any sustainable business. It was followed by the development of the Priority Industry Principles (PIPs), which, in identifying three of the most common, yet problematic, employment practices that can lead to forced labour, helped businesses prioritise their actions in addressing forced labour risks. The development of the PIPs was led by The Coca-Cola Company, Tesco, Mars, Inc., and Walmart.
Both of these milestones were accompanied by a global call to action from our Board urging all businesses to play their part in eradicating forced labour, which was presented by then-CEO of Mars, Inc., Grant F. Reid, at IHRB’s 2018 Global Forum on Responsible Recruitment and Employment.
To read the Social Resolution on Forced Labour, the Priority Industry Principles, and the Global Call to Action, click here.
Prior to the launch of the HRC, CGF members initiated collaborations with several global organisations, such as the International Labour Organization, US Department of Labor, International Organization for Migration, Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) and its Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment, Fair Labor Association, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB), Responsible Labor Initiative, International Tourism Partnership, BTeam, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Seafood Task Force, and the Responsible Business Alliance.
The CGF also coordinated several key dialogues in regions strongly impacted by forced labour, including a responsible operations and sourcing event in Bangkok with AIM-Progress & ELEVATE; the Global Forum on Responsible Recruitment and Employment in Singapore with IHRB; and several regional roundtables on responsible recruitment in Southeast Asia with IHRB and other key stakeholders, including one in Myanmar and two in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur in 2017 and 2019.