The collaborative work will be carried out by a diverse working group of industry CEOs and Chairmen, as well as expert stakeholders from outside the industry. The working group isled by Paul Bulcke, CEO of Nestlé Group and Dick Boer, CEO of Ahold. It addresses three main areas of work: 1) access and availability of products and services that support healthier diets and lifestyles, 2) transparent, fact‐based information that helps consumers to make informed choices communication, 3) educational programmes to raise awareness and inspire healthier lifestyles. 

Board of The Consumer Goods Forum adopts three resolutions on Health and Wellness:  
1) Access and availability of products and services that support the goal of healthier diets and lifestyles, 
2) Transparent fact based information to help consumers make informed product choices and usages, 
3) Communication and educational programmes to help raise consumer awareness on health and wellness. 
BARCELONA, Spain,15th  June 2011 – On the first day of its annual Global Summit in Barcelona, The Consumer Goods Forum unveiled new industry‐wide resolutions on consumer health and wellness.  
The three resolutions, approved by the Board of Directors of The Forum, are built upon and leverage existing proven initiatives such as the International  Food & Beverages Alliance, GMA  commitments  in the US and food and beverage industry  commitments to the EU Platform. They advocate for empowering  consumers with products and services and meaningful information to help them make informed choices and support healthier diet and lifestyle, and physical activity.  
Commenting on the announcement, Nestlé Group CEO Paul Bulcke said: “We believe that manufacturers and retailers have  a  key role to  play  in  improving the  health  and  wellness  of  consumers.  Working together  and  partnering  with stakeholders  such  as  public  health  authorities  and  healthcare  professionals,  will  help  our  industry  accelerate  its collaborative effort and assure a positive impact on health and wellness in particular and on society at large.” 
Ahold CEO Dick Boer said: “The industry has taken a bold, positive step today towards a healthier future, but accountability is a fundamental component of this initiative. We will monitor and learn from our efforts and report on our progress.” 
The team of Forum member companies charged with delivering the health & wellness resolutions is co‐chaired by Nestlé and Ahold, and includes AEON, Barilla, Carrefour, The Coca‐Cola Company, Delhaize, General Mills, Grupo Bimbo, Johnson & Johnson, Kao, Kellogg, Kraft, L’Oréal, Metro, Pepsi Co, Procter & Gamble, Sobeys, Tesco, Unilever and Walmart. 
Lars Olofsson, Carrefour Group CEO and Co‐Chair of The Forum commented: “This is the first time that the consumer goods  industry  ‐ manufacturers  and retailers, the food  and  non‐food sector‐,  is speaking  with  one  voice,  addressing consumer health and wellness on a global level.” 
Fellow  Co‐Chair Muhtar  Kent,  Chairman  and  CEO  of  The  Coca‐Cola  Company  added:   “Today’s  consumers  are more empowered than ever and their expectations are changing.  As an industry, we need to be out ahead of these changes and aligned behind one voice.” A number of The ConsumerGoods Forumcompanies already have well‐established programsin place to address the Health & Wellness of consumers and shoppers. Those programmes will continue.
The next steps for the working group will be to define implementation plans and measurements. 
Media inquiries:  
Sabine Ritter:  
Tel: (+33) 6 45 56 66 44 
1. A total of 24 specific commitments for the food and non‐food consumer goods sectors were agreed. The full text of the resolutions can be downloaded here. 
2. The resolutions are built upon and leverage existing industry initiatives, such as the International Food & Beverages Alliance. 
3. The  announcement follows two resolutions  on  climate  change,  announced  during the Cancun Climate  Summit  in November 2010. At this time, the Consumer Goods Forum pledged to mobilize its collective resources to help achieve zero net deforestation by 2020. It  also resolved to phase out the use of HFC refrigerant  gases, which  contribute to  global warming. 
About The Consumer Goods Forum  
The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) is a global, parity‐based industry network, driven by its members. It brings together the CEOs and senior management of over 650 retailers, manufacturers, service providers and other stakeholders across 70 countries  and reflects the  diversity  of the  industry  in  geography, size,  product  category  and format.  Forum member companies have combined sales of EUR 2.1 trillion and their retailer and manufacturer members employ over 9.1 million people. 
The Forum was created in June 2009 by the merger of CIES  ‐ The Food Business Forum, the Global Commerce Initiative (GCI) and the Global CEO Forum. The Consumer Goods Forum is governed by its Board of Directors, which includes 50 manufacturer and retailer CEOs and Chairmen. 
The Forum provides a unique global platform for knowledge exchange and initiatives around five strategic priorities – Emerging Trends, Sustainability, Safety & Health (Health & Wellness), Operational Excellence and Knowledge Sharing & People Development – which are central to the advancement of today’s consumer goods industry.
The Forum’s vision is: “Better lives through better business”. To fulfil this, its members have given the Forum a mandate to develop common positions on key strategic and operational issues affecting the consumer goods business, with a strong focus on non‐competitive process improvement. The Forum’s success is driven by the active participation of the key players in the sector, who together develop and lead the implementation of best practices along the value chain. With  its  headquarters  in  Paris  and  its regional  offices  in  Washington,  D.C.,  and  Tokyo, the  CGF serves  its members throughout the world.