PARIS, 26th June 2020 — The Consumer Goods Forum is delighted to announce the following new companies have joined our global membership community and, in doing so, have confirmed their commitment to our vision of better lives through better business.
The ALDI SOUTH Group is a global food retail company and operates in eleven countries on four continents and employs around 155,000 members of staff. ALDI offers between 1,470 and 1,940 core range products and a changing selection of special buys every week in more than 6,500 stores worldwide. Simplicity, consistency and responsibility are core values of the ALDI SOUTH Group. ALDI’s business model is simple: great quality at the best price, fair and honest product offers, and efficient business processes.
“With our business model, ALDI is able to offer great quality products at the best price because of our efficient business processes and our commitment to long term and collaborative relationships with our business partners. This is also our approach to Corporate Responsibility. We believe the best way to increase global sustainable development is through long term industry partnerships. The CGF membership will help us in the implementation of our international CR strategy, especially in the area of Responsible Sourcing and Carbon Reduction. We look forward to sharing experiences and working together with The Consumer Goods Forum in order to drive a positive change.” – Christoph Schwaiger, CEO of Global Sourcing and Corporate Responsibility International.
SES-imagotag is a fast-growing retail tech company, listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange, with revenues around €250 million. The company is the world leader in smart digital labels and IoT solutions for physical retail, serving over 300 large retailers around the world in Europe, Asia and America. SES-imagotag has developed the VUSION Retail IOT technology platform to help retailers transform their physical stores into high value digital assets, more automated, data-driven, and connected in real-time to suppliers and consumers. VUSION improves pricing agility, accuracy and integrity; enables omni channel synchronisation of prices, product information and marketing content; and increases the productivity of shelf replenishment and in-store picking for online orders. VUSION improves employee satisfaction by freeing up time from cumbersome low value-added tasks and allowing them to focus on customer service and merchandizing tasks. VUSION connects shelves to the cloud, providing real-time accurate information on product availability and location, allowing for reduced inventory, out-of-stock and waste, as well as improved on-shelf availability and merchandizing compliance. VUSION empowers consumers with better product, nutritional and traceability information at the shelf and enables a frictionless in-store shopping experience with features such as product search, pathfinding and cashier-less scan & pay features. For more information, visit
“I am thrilled that SES-imagotag is joining The Consumer Goods Forum and its community. As a global leading retail technology provider, SES-imagotag’s responsibility is not only to help retailers achieve their digital transformation. It’s also about creating long term value for consumers, brands, workers and communities; helping retailers implement higher traceability and data integrity, enter into new collaboration with suppliers to optimise the end-to-end value chain and steer the transition towards higher food safety, reduced waste and a more sustainable agriculture. I am convinced that the CGF and its many great initiatives will help and guide us in realising our Positive Retail vision.” –Thierry Gadou, Chairman and CEO, SES-imagotag.
Sodexo is the global leader in services that improve Quality of Life, an essential factor in individual and organisational performance. Operating in 67 countries, Sodexo serves 100 million consumers each day through a unique combination of services developed over more than 50 years of experience: from foodservices, reception, maintenance and cleaning, to facilities and equipment management; from services and programmes fostering employees’ engagement to solutions that simplify and optimise their mobility and expenses management, to in-home assistance, child care centres and concierge services.
“Since its foundation in 1966, Sodexo’s success is grounded in our mission of improving the quality of life of our employees and of those we serve while contributing to the communities in which we operate around the world. Everyday, we are on the frontline, working with our suppliers and clients, caring and providing essential food and services to consumers and communities that are living the impact of increased social pressures and environmental degradation. We need to accelerate the change towards more sustainable consumption patterns to preserve human value and our natural resources. This is not an easy undertaking and requires a much needed collective purpose. We’re glad to have joined The Consumer Goods Forum to contribute, collaborate and pursue a common action agenda on pressing issues – amongst which food waste, biodiversity and deforestation, health & wellness and inclusion – with sustainability, inclusiveness and resilience for society as our primary incentives.” – Denis Machuel, Chief Executive Officer, Sodexo.
As the only association in the consumer goods industry that is truly global, while embracing both retailers and manufacturers, and service providers, our members understand the value of our uniqueness. Many of the opportunities and issues that we face as an industry can’t be addressed by individual companies alone, or just by collaborating regionally. The CGF offers you a seat at the table, and our members know that our global, cross-value chain perspective is critical to helping drive positive change globally and in securing long-term, sustainable business growth.
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