As the world gathers for New York Climate Week (NYCW) 2024, The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) is ready to bring together our global network of retailers and manufacturers to drive meaningful progress toward one unifying goal: better lives through better business. As a CEO-led organisation, we believe that addressing the climate crisis is integral to this vision—and climate action is the red thread that connects all our sustainability efforts.

From 22nd to 29th September 2024, leaders from across industries will gather to address the urgent challenge of climate change. At the CGF, we recognise that climate change affects every part of the consumer goods sector, and by tackling it head-on, we can accelerate progress across a broad range of sustainability initiatives—from reducing plastic waste to cutting food loss and protecting forests.

Better lives through better business is our driving force, and through collective action, we are committed to making this a reality for communities, businesses, and the planet alike.

Climate Action: The Red Thread That Unites Sustainability Efforts

At the CGF, we understand that climate action is not a stand-alone initiative—it is the unifying force behind all the sustainability work we do. Whether it is decarbonising our supply chains, ensuring responsible sourcing, or promoting healthier lifestyles, each step we take contributes to the larger goal of addressing climate change and improving lives globally.

But our mission goes beyond tackling environmental issues alone. Social sustainability, human rights, and economic resilience are equally critical pillars of our work.  By addressing these interconnected challenges together, we are helping our members create sustainable business models that are responsive, resilient, and ready for the future.

Uniting at NYCW: Collaborative Action for Positive Change

New York Climate Week provides a powerful platform for the CGF to unite our members and partners around collective climate action. Throughout the week, we shall be participating in key events and discussions that bring to life how climate action and business success go hand in hand:

Decarbonisation: Through our Towards Net Zero Coalition of Action, we will continue advancing the retail sector’s decarbonisation roadmap, demonstrating how reducing emissions is not just about compliance—but rather about future-proofing businesses while creating positive environmental impact.

As an official accelerator for the United Nations’ Race to Zero campaign, the CGF is supporting their actions and events during the week. 

Save the Date: 

  • Monday 23rd September, the CGF’s Towards Net Zero Coalition, in partnership with Boston Consulting Group, is hosting a closed-door Retailer Roundtable focusing on developing a retail-specific decarbonisation roadmap.
  • The event will be followed by an informal networking reception for CGF members, offering a unique opportunity to meet the industry leaders driving the CGF’s Coalitions of Action, engage with like-minded peers from across the CGF and discuss our collaborative efforts to create positive change in our sector.

Reducing Food Waste: Food waste is a major driver of global emissions, and our work in the Food Waste Coalition of Action is focused on cutting it in half by 2030. At NYCW, we will highlight how innovation and technology can transform food systems, reduce emissions, and contribute to climate-positive business practices.

Save the Date: 

Deforestation and Landscape-Level Climate Solutions: Our Forest Positive Coalition of Action will present collaborative, landscape-level solutions that combat deforestation while supporting sustainable supply chains. By protecting forests, we help reduce emissions and preserve biodiversity, creating a ripple effect that benefits businesses and ecosystems alike.

Save the Date:

  • Tuesday, 24th September, the CGF’s Forest Positive Coalition will join forces with WBCSD’s Soft Commodities Forum and Tropical Forest Alliance to host an event to explore how landscape approaches in the Brazilian Cerrado agricultural landscape can address deforestation and conversion in the region.
  • Wednesday 25th September, the CGF’s Forest Positive Coalition together with IDH will host a breakfast event on responding to climate-induced crop failures during Climate Week in New York.

We Are In: Join Us in Driving Change

At New York Climate Week 2024, the message is clear: the time to act is now. At the CGF, we believe that collective action holds the key to addressing climate change, improving sustainability, and building a future where businesses can thrive while supporting healthier communities and a healthier planet.

Climate action runs through everything we do—but ultimately, it all comes down to creating better lives through better business. We invite you to join us at NYCW, as we work together to shape the future of the consumer goods industry and drive the systemic change our world so urgently needs.

For more information or to get involved with the CGF at NYCW, contact us at [email protected].