The strength of the CGF lies in its collaborative efforts and ability to bring our industry together to discuss challenges impacting our people, our customers and our businesses, and to share best practices and knowledge. The world is now facing a pandemic not seen in our lifetime, but our industry is stepping up and showcasing exactly how business can be a force for good in difficult times.
We felt it important, therefore, to share exactly how our industry is making a difference and supporting people to get through this challenging time. Below is a selection of items from around the world.
To our members and your employees around the world, we thank you for your hard work and commitment.
Updated 26th May 2020
- Nestlé donates supports CHF 1 million to support CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) to help search for a COVID-19 vaccine
- Southeastern Grocers contributes $1.28 million in ‘hunger relief’ bags
- Kroger provides $130 million in ‘thank you’ pay for associates
- pladis is supporting charities across the world by donating its biscuits and snacks to those in need
- SPAR South Africa offers free online maths course to children
- The Irish Feed the Heroes initiative was strongly supported by SPAR and EUROSPAR retailers and their customers
- Whole Foods continues to open online-only ‘dark’ stores
- Asda launches virtual queuing system
- Supermarkets encourage social distancing and raise contactless payment limits
- Amazon, Costco have ‘most favorable’ COVID-19 response, shoppers say
- Significant support from Migros Ticaret and national bank collaboration to farmers (in Turkish)
- Blédina France supports farmers promoting local purchases through interactive platforms (in French)
- Danone Waters Poland supporting heroes in the front line with a complete action plan (in Polish)
- Danone Uruguay donation to Pasteur Institute to accelerate the research against Covid-19 (in Spanish)
- Spain Danone Activia encourages and helps people to take care of their well-being from their homes, and invite to share on facebook and Instagram #YoMeCuidoEnCasa (in Spanish)
- L’Oréal launches €150m social and environmental fund to support coronavirus response
- SPAR Italy has announced they are freezing the prices of own brand products for 2020 in preparation of a downturn in the economy
- SPAR Austria re-opens its INTERSPAR restaurants today with all Covid-19 measures in place
- SPAR UK partner launches online ordering platform to facilitate home deliveries
- The Sustainable Forestry Initiative opened its 60-day comment period for its new standards virtually via issue-focused webinars. SFI will also hold its Conservation Impact Sounding Board virtually on May 20th
- Amcor sites across the world give back to their local communities
- Dozens of companies join Kind Snacks’ Frontline Impact Project
- Lotte: supporting people around the world to overcome the crisis
- Sonae MC, through Missão Continente, has been donating hundreds of tonnes of food and hygiene products, as well as individual protection equipment to multiple entities such as hospitals, municipalities and charity institutions; together with the Italian LAPS foundation, it launched the Nunca Desistir (Never Give Up) campaign in Portugal that raised over 630.000€ and offered an additional 150 tonnes of groceries to distribute and help families in need
- Amcor uplifting stories: helping customers adapt to fight Covid-19
- Nestlé: mobilising the entire value chain to launch a global Covid-19 response
- Loblaw Companies Limited is investing to assist customers and colleagues in confronting COVID-19
- Loblaw provides $5 million donation to get food and health essentials to Canada’s most vulnerable
- President’s Choice Children’s Charity funds $10 million response to vulnerable kids missing school-based hunger programs due to COVID-19 closures
- Heineken has several actions in response to Covid-19 – in Brazil they joined forces with Unilever to produce and deliver ‘Cif Higienizador + Álcool cleaner’ to 210 communities in São Paulo. In Mexico they made donations of hand sanitiser, drinking water, and face masks. In Spain they have launched initiatives for every crisis by supporting bars and restaurants and helping the medical community.
- SAVENCIA remains mobilised and united in the face of the COVID-19 crisis (in French)
- Danone Mexico brings health to HCPs with yoghurt donations
- Scenarios beyond COVID-19: rebound, reboot, reinvent
- Giant Food has launched a #HealthyAtHome #GiantFoodChallenge – which challenges customers to stay active and healthy while sheltering in place at home
- Migros transformed some of its stores to dark stores to increase its online sales capacity (in Turkish)
- Hannaford Supermarkets dietitians are offering health and wellness tips during this pandemic
- Johnson & Johnson: caring for employees during COVID-19, recognizing onsite superheroes
- Colgate-Palmolive: Tom’s of Maine partners with small businesses to bring the healing power of nature indoors
- Bel Group mobilises its teams all around the world to address food needs
- Bel Group: The Laughing Cow solidarity day
- Tesco COVID-19 updates – changes to online home delivery and Click+Collect
- Amazon is proud to support nonprofit Nest for their PPE initiative, creating opportunities for artisans in need of employment and providing masks for frontline workers
- Colgate supports the World Health Organization (WHO) #SafeHands effort to stop the spread of COVID-19
- SPAR Spain has been contributing to multiple initiatives focused on getting vital food and financial aid to those in need
- An Italian division of SPAR, Maiora, donated 100 tablets to school children to assist with home schooling
- Hannaford Supermarkets dietitian offers health and wellness tips
- Migros launches online voucher to customers (in Turkish)
- Johnson & Johnson shares: The Road to a Vaccine, an educational LIVE video series that profiles the global scientific collaborative work underway to develop a potential vaccine
- Stop & Shop and the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union issued a joint statement calling on federal and state governments to designate associates at grocery stores as “extended first responders” or “emergency personnel”
- Migros transformed some of its stores to dark stores to increase its online sales capacity (in Turkish)
- SPAR France have advised they’re making some headway in reducing food waste, also now
- Nestlé Philippines mounts Php 500 million Kasambuhay program for 1 million families, frontliners, its people as COVID-19 rages
- Nestlé Portugal donated more than nine metric tons of food products and beverages to 70 hospitals and health institutions in the north and south of the country (in Portuguese)
- Nestlé Algeria intends to play a key role in helping those who need it during the COVID-19 crisis (in French)
- Kroger buys and redirects dairy farmers’ surplus milk to Feeding America food banks
- Walmart to bring two-hour Express Delivery to 2,000 stores
- Costco to require customers to wear masks
- A.S. Watson Group (Hong Kong) donated 150,000 surgical masks to elderly through 4 local NGOs
- A.S. Watson Group’s business Watsons China donates over RMB1 million worth of products to Wuhan to help fight the Covid-19 outbreak (in Chinese)
- A.S. Watson Group’s business Superdrug UK nurses are volunteering with NHS while receiving company wages
- Danone US with Evian is supporting the heroes in the front line in hospitals with a donation of 195 000 bottles of Evian
- Nestlé USA Pure Life Joins Forces with No Kid Hungry to Help Families in Need During COVID-19
- Kroger expands coronavirus drive-thru testing to more states
- Aptamil UK and Aptamil Italy (in Italian): propose games with babies and tips to manage life at home with kids in confinement
- Walgreens announces frontline hero discount day on April 25
- 10 ways COVID-19 could change office design
- Nestlé Cameroon donated CFA133 million in the form of 10 tons of food products to help more than 110,000 people in the country (in French)
- Dutch media reports a new partnership between Albert Heijn supermarkets and the Red Cross (in Dutch)
- Tesco Ireland expands ‘Click & Collect’ services
- Danone Canada has contributed $200,000 CAD to an emergency fund established by their 25-year partner, Breakfast Club of Canada, to help feed hungry children
- Carrefour Belgium takes steps to strengthen staff safety
- GroceryAid launches Covid-19 fund for grocery colleagues in need
- Aldi launches volunteer vouchers for vulnerable shoppers
- Danone US Happy Family donating 140 000 servings of organic food and snacks to famiies in need in New York City area
- Nestlé Guatemala donated 2,000 litres of Anchor and Nido Esencial milk, equivalent to 800 glasses, to school children from the public sector (in Spanish)
- Bonafont® contributes to fight against COVID-19
- Carrefour rejoint le fonds de solidarité des consommateurs! (in French)
- MigrosTV brings excitement to home for celebrating 100-year of national sovereignty and Children’s Day
- Mars Fishcare makes hand sanitizer for first responders, community
- Mars donates ventilators to support battle against COVID-19
- SPAR Qatar and SPAR Oman use latest technology for temperature screening
- SPAR Ukraine support local communities
- General Mills announces “manufacture to donate” initiative to address urgent hunger needs
- Spain Danone: Activia encourages and helps people take care of their well-being from their homes, and invites them to share on Facebook and Instagram #YoMeCuidoEnCasa
- Danone UK specialised and enteral nutrition provides BDA with guidelines to support Dietitian’s in for Intensive Care Units
- Kroger ‘Blueprint for Businesses’ offers cross-industry coronavirus action plan
- Danone Morocco contributes for 1M€ to the solidarity Covid-19 fiund initiated by the King Mohammed VI, and is mobilized to provide milk to the whole population (in French)
- How Amazon is taking care of their employees while fulfilling their customers orders
- Nestlé’s global response to Covid-19: a 360° overview and sustaining the efforts across regions
- Surfing uncertainty: the role of purpose and culture in organizational resilience
- SPAR Italy has donated €500.000 to the Spallanzani Institute in Rome
- Community care top priority for SPAR Slovenia
- SPAR Hungary supports UNICEF child protection programme
- Grupo Éxito launches ‘Buy and Collect’ initiative to support social distancing
- How The Coca-Cola Company is refocusing its business
- Waitrose to treble Rapid deliveries and increase click and collect slots by 50%
- Walgreens recently announced plans to expand drive-thru COVID-19 testing to 15 new sites in seven states
- Walgreens has expanded its Find Care™ platform to virtually connect customers with more than 30 providers who treat over 100 conditions
- Aldi UK to sell food online for first time during coronavirus crisis
- Eurocash: mobile stores make life easier in isolation (in Polish)
- The Eurocash Group advises entrepreneurs how to take advantage of the Anti-Crisis Shield concessions (in Polish)
- BRF announces the donation of BRL 50 million worth of food, medical supplies and support to research and social development funds, to contribute to the efforts made to fight the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Mars: CEO addresses COVID-19 in letter to all associates and company commits $20M to communities in COVID-19 response
- Migros Ticaret: stores & online service
- LEGO Brand Group’s Chairman Jørgen Vig Knudstorp shares lessons from the COVID crisis
- A SPAR Spain partner launches an app showing traffic instore
- SPAR Hungary reduced their volume restrictions after only a few weeks
- K Group/Kesko is doing everything it can to prevent the COVID-19 coronavirus from spreading
- Morrisons launches food boxes for Ramadan
- Groupe Casino to deliver two million protective masks to healthcare staff
- Carrefour Belgium offers bonus points to loyalty card holders
- General Mills launches ‘manufacture to donate’ initiative
- Asda introduces ‘Scan & Go Mobile’ service in all stores
- Walmart now requires all U.S. workers to wear face coverings
- Tetra Pak: together against COVID-19
- Migros Ticaret starts a counceling service
- How PEFC forestry is adapting to Covid19 context, especially adding flexibility in the audit format and timing where necessary to maintain responsible sourcing possible
- Nestlé: response to COVID-19
- Walgreens has donated $100,000 to the CDC Foundation’s Emergency Response Fund to help ensure financial resources are deployed to local community foundations and nonprofits working to support U.S. residents
- Boots UK has teamed up with The Hygiene Bank to provide 200,000 toiletries to NHS (National Health Service) staff working in hospitals across the U.K.
- SPAR Spain partner Grupo Upper support distribution of essential foods
- SPAR Northern Ireland trial Scan, Pay, Go!
- SPAR Hungary supports UNICEF child protection programme
- SPAR UK partners with NHS volunteer responder programme
- SPAR Gran Canaria partners with local government to support farming sector
- Carrefour Poland expands customer services during COVID-19
- Continente offers home delivery to senior customers
- SPAR Denmark rolls out doorstep grocery delivery service
- REWE offers priority online delivery service for medical workers
- Agroknow offers free access to global food safety platform
- South Africa’s Woolworths offers drive-through service to help shoppers avoid stores
- Aldi launches online grocery service to help vulnerable customers
- Online retailer Approved Food urges households not to throw out stockpiled food
- Indian FMCG companies help modernise kirana stores
- Exclusive discounts for health care professionals from Migros Ticaret
- Coronavirus: Amazon builds its own testing lab for staff
- Unilever joins consortium which will make ventilators for UK hospitals
- The Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s award winning environmental education program Project Learning Tree provides parents with guidance on many learning activities to safely do with children at home during the COVID-19 crises
- EuroCommerce launches website with industry actions
- X5 Retail Group rolls out self-service tech developed in-house
- How COVID-19 is shaking Russia’s online and offline retail
- Kroger offering free COVID-19 testing in Kentucky
- “We have changed more in a few weeks than in ten years”, says Tesco boss Dave Lewis as supermarket battles to feed the nation
- Grupo Éxito implemented the new model “Buy and collect” in 366 stores.
- The Giant Company announces $250.000 emergency grant program to supports small businesses
- Southeastern Grocers covers shopping bills for emergency workers
- Morrisons gives NHS staff 10% discount for 12 weeks
- John Lewis to deliver care packages to UK’s busiest hospitals
- M&S donates uniforms, clothing & sets ups free food delivery for NHS Staff
- European politicians, CEOs including those from Danone and L’Oréal, and lawmakers urge green coronavirus recovery
- SPAR Croatia expanded their support for local producers
- SPAR Austria’s local supplier network expanded
- Kroger teams with UFCW in call for grocery worker ‘first responder’ status
- Pasta maker Barilla funds cell therapy research for Coronavirus
- SPAR Gran Canaria donates 9,000 kilograms of essential food items
- Carrefour Polska adds tool that forecasts store traffic
- ‘They’re Gr-r-reat!’: Kellogg’s thanks those continuing to put breakfast on the table during the pandemic
- SPAR Spain partner Lider Aliment launches app supporting social distancing instore
- SPAR UAE works with government on food security
- Tyson installs 150 walk-through temperature scanners at plants to slow COVID-19
- Heineken announces its response to Covid-19 and donates to the Red Cross
- Disney Parks shares official churro recipe to help people through COVID-19 closures
- Kellogg’s global Better Days purpose platform helps deliver critical nourishment to families when they need it most
- Cargill has committed $35 million for Covid 19 relief and recovery
- European Supermarket Magazine shares interactive map showcasing COVID-19 industry actions from across Europe
- Funds from Jerónimo Martins help set up second intensive care unit at the central hospital in the alentejo region
- Mars commits $20 M to communities in COVID-19 response
- Statement about how SPAR pulls together especially in times of crisis
- The SPAR teams are working around the clock to ensure a continued supply chain
- Guide: surfing uncertainty: the role of purpose and culture in organizational resilience
- LOTTE’s participation in a ‘Flower’ Bucket Relay to help flower farmers amid COVID-19
- Hindustan Unilever partners with UNICEF to support India’s fight against COVID-19
- Walmart Grocery app sees record downloads amid COVID-19, surpasses Amazon by 20%
- ALTAVIA: COVID-19: Unprecedented collaborations in the retail sector
- Waitrose Cookery School chefs share tips on Instagram
- Salling Group funds research into face mask effectiveness
- Aldi Suisse introduces automated customer counting system
- The Consumer Goods Forum launches new Coalition on Collaboration for Healthier Lives
- Global Food Safety Initiative: update on temporary audit measures during Covid-19 pandemic
- Grupo Exito releases the “Mercado para Colombia” card to promote Colombians citizens to help those in need (in Spanish)
- Nutresa will provide groceries to more tan 700.000 people (in Spanish)
- Nestlé Switzerland: support worth over CHF 1 million to organizations active in humanitarian aid (Red Cross), intensive care units in Swiss hospitals and the Swiss army, as well as providing delivery and support services to local communities (in French)
- eBay launches “Up & Running” to immediately bring small businesses online
- City Holdings: keeping the spirit high to combat Covid-19
- Carrefour Italia rolls out pre-packaged kits with essential goods
- X5 Retail Group shares initiatives to support small and medium enterprises
- General Mills: Thank you letter to suppliers
- TrendWatching and Business of Purpose create website with COVID-related innovations worldwide, segmented by industry
- SPAR Gran Canaria have extended their local producer offtake to pick up some of the excess stock due to closure of restaurant sector
- SPAR UK also step up to support NHS volunteer responder programme
SPAR Hungary have responded to government call for support of other sectors to include taxi pick-up to support their home delivery solution
- SPAR Netherlands have slightly adapted instore offering for city stores / petrol forecourts due to changed shopper habits
- Amazon testing disinfectant fog at New York warehouse
- Campari and Intercos produce alcohol-based sanitiser for hospitals
- Co-op gives all NHS workers 10% discount and priority access to stores
- Online retailers speed delivery times to keep up with demand during Covid-19 lockdown, parcelLab shows
- Albertsons, UFCW seek ‘first responder’ status for grocery workers
- Walmart, Kroger, Hy-Vee, Giant go with one-way aisles to combat coronavirus
- FMI forms online hiring marketplace with
- What Migros Ticaret does against the Covid-19 virus
- M&S, Lidl, Aldi, Danone and Coca-Cola European Partners support Neighbourly in launching a series of micro-grants to support good causes that are helping communities affected by the new Coronavirus outbreak
- One Young World launches first episode of #TogetherApart Series: Paul Polman
- The Consumer Goods Forum Board of Directors and WHO COVID-19 special envoy emphasise the need for global coordination in securing consumer product supply chains
- Colgate-Palmolive: CP supporting WHO #safehands effort; mobilizing to make bar soap and donate health & hygiene products
- Royal Swinkels Family Brewers reuses their beer to make disinfectants in their brewery in Lieshou
- More than 40 retailers and suppliers have responded to emergency appeal to feed vulnerable people
- SPAR created an emergency response network across 4 continents who work together to share practical tools
- Alibaba,, Pinduoduo help revive sales of farm goods from Hubei after coronavirus lockdown
- Aldi lifts Covid-19 related restrictions on most products and introduces sanitisation stations
- John Lewis Partnership thanks staff with new reward payment and increased discount
- Sodexo partners with Amazon, Kroger, PepsiCo and others
- Migros Ticaret updates: 5 million TRY donation; special boxes for Ramadan customers; centralised phone line for the elderly
- X5 Retail Group sells key staple foods at cost
- Donations from Brazilian companies help tackle Coronavirus challenges (in Portuguese)
- ChangeNOW: Get inspired by these amazing international influencers, innovators, explorers, investors, etc., sharing their experience, expertise and vision for a sustainable and inclusive world
- L’ADEME & the BPI are running an innovation challenge providing from 500k to 5M€ to startups and SMIs (in French)
- Sequoia Capital provides guidance to CEO and founders on how to ensure the health of their business with meaningful insights and advices
- Facebook for Business is offering $100M in cash grants and ad credits for up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in over 30 countries where they operate (in German)
- BPI France activated exceptional measures to support French companies (in French)
- Nestlé: Working hard to ensure that people have essential food and beverage products
- Coronavirus: M&S store staff get bonus for coming into work
- Grocery and restaurant brands forge partnerships amid widespread foodservice layoffs
- Carrefour teams up with uber eats for lockdown deliveries
- Tesco retains limit of three items per shopper on every SKU
- WHSmith partners with Sainsbury’s to sell groceries in hospitals
- Greencore helps feed the UK during the Covid-19 crisis
- PepsiCo commits more than $45 million to combat the impacts of COVID-19
- Coronavirus: Morrisons store staff get bonus for coming into work
- Work with your Ecolab team to determine which disinfectant products, training and compliance education opportunities exist for your business.
- Henkel launches comprehensive global solidarity program to support employees, customers and affected communities
- New Hope Liuhe subsidiary Weifang Heshengyuan Food Co., Ltd. safeguards stable supply of poultry meat in Covid-19 combat
- BBC Worklife: Why grocery shelves won’t be empty for long
- VIFON Company provides the Republic of Poland with 2,800 corona virus tests that show resutls in 60 minutes (in Polish)
- WebWire: Covid-19 handwashing campaign to target a billion people worldwide
- Tesco launches £30m COVID-19 Community Fund to help groups in need
- Unilever contributes more than EUR100m to continue helping people affected around the world
- Total Produce CEO praises colleagues’ efforts in face of COVID-19
- Greece’s AB Vassilopolous announces partnership with Speedex on home delivery
- Spar Austria introduces voucher cards to encourage cashless payment
- Food and supplement firms aid COVID-19 relief efforts
- Nestlé rewards the efforts of its front line employees in Switzerland
- South African retailers work together during Covid-19 crisis
- Danone will provide 100.000 bottles of Evian 33cl to improve the availability of hydro alcoholic gel in pharmacies in France (in French)
- Danone China collaborates with the China Red Cross and contributes with Yuan 23 million (cash, goods, ambulances…)
- Danone Waters Spain supports the heroes with Fontvella water and acknowledgment with the Red Cross and Food Banks
- Makro Spain launches “Unopuntosiete” initiative to support hospitality sector (in Spanish)
- NIVEA producer Beiersdorf steps up its international support program to a 50 million Euro pledge
- Beiersdorf supports the fight against COVID-19 by pledging 50 million Euro to a support program, providing 500 tons of disinfectant in Europe and donating disinfectant to the fire department in Hamburg and Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (in German)
- McDonald’s staff supports Aldi operations (in French)
- Tyson Foods Commits $13 Million in COVID-19 Hunger Relief and Community Support
- Coronavirus: “All wages guaranteed for the next 3 months” at Danone
- SPAR Austria helps shoppers go cashless with voucher cards
- SPAR Croatia increases protective measures for self-checkout assistants
- SPAR Switzerland offers home delivery service to vulnerable customer groups
- Our latest response to COVID-19: a message to customers from Dave Lewis, Tesco CEO
- FSA publishes guidance for food businesses on coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Grupo Exito will be be offering more than 500.000 basic groceries to unemployed citizens (in Spanish)
- Grupo Éxito presents the “White Line” to offer free delivery of products to health personnel (in Spanish)
- Super inter tips for staying at home (in Spanish)
- Carulla stores that will be open 24 hours (in Spanish)
- Walmart México hand washing games for children (in Spanish)
- Recommendations to avoid getting infected from Walmart México (in Spanish)
- Recommendations for shopping from Jumbo Chile (in Spanish)
- Automercado online shopping service (in Spanish)
- Pingo Doce finances a 30.000 project to detect cases of Covid-19 (in Portuguese)
- P&G will donate hygiene products to hospitals and nursing homes (in Spanish)
- Johnson & Johnson updates on the coronavirus: Collaborating to accelerate the development of a vaccine for COVID-19, screening compounds to determine if any could help treat those who have the virus, and continuing to supply the critical medicines, devices and products customers and patients depend on
- Kroger collaborates with other industries to bolster employment, food supply
- Lidl is donating thousands of fresh fruit and vegetable bags to NHS staff nationwide
- Boots to roll out Covid-19 tests for NHS staff
- Aldi announces priority access to stores for emergency workers
- Grocery retailers waive DoorDash delivery fees for older customers
- The Giant Company uses social media to discourage hoarding
- Migros Ticaret implements several solutions to make shopping easier for people over the age of 65
- UK aid and Unilever to target a billion people in global handwashing campaign
- Essity has donated $200,000 to WHO’s Covid19 Solidarity response fund; increased information efforts on hand hygiene; initiated development and production of face masks (in Swedish); and focused on informing society that supply of toilet paper is working as usual
- Jeronimo Martins launches Biedronka Foundation to help seniors in need
- Manufacturers meeting employee, community needs in the wake of Covid-19
- PepsiCo: “We’re taking proactive steps grounded in science to protect the safety of our products”
- Hannaford Supermarkets commits quarter million dollars to support area foodbanks
- Unilever ‘United for America’ initiative helps protect lives and livelihoods from the COVID-19 pandemic
- Constellation Brands pledges €2.24 million to COVID-19 relief efforts
- Coop Italia freezes prices of packaged goods for two months
- Ocado buys 100,000 Covid-19 test kits to ensure ‘safety for all’
- Tesco supermarket make changes to the way you shop amid COVID-19 pandemic
- SPAR Partners staying strong and better together
- SPAR Austria steps up support for volunteers and suppliers
- SPAR Croatia supports local producers affected by COVID-19 outbreak
- Learn what Migros Ticaret is doing against the Covid-19 virus and see their infographic on safety measures
- Sainsbury’s latest updates on responses to the coronavirus crisis
- Tesco shares an update on response to COVID-19: A message to customers from Dave Lewis, Tesco CEO
- China Daily: COFCO alliances help deliver goods in battle against epidemic
- Alibaba: Jack Ma Foundation aids asian countries in fight against Covid-19 / Equips Africa in fight against coronavirus / Shares coronavirus prevention handbook
- Alibaba unveils technologies to empower partners in fight against coronavirus
- Chinese businesses optmistic during coronavirus, says Alibaba Research Unit
- Beijing community-based service centers have been established by local retail companies Wumei and Dmall in residential communities in Shijingshan and Fangshan districts
- Wumart allocates more than $40m to curb prices amid outbreak
- to launch unmanned robot delivery fleet in quarantined Wuhan
- Colgate-Palmolive: “Optimism in Action” by staying connected globally, caring for our employees and prioritizing the production of products to help keep people healthy
- Danone is taking exceptional measures to protect its 100 000 employees and its partners and local ecosystems and ensure food supply continuity to people
- UK: Danone, M&S, Lidl, Aldi, and Coca-Cola European Partners have partnered with Neighbourly to create the Neighbourly Community Fund, 500 000 £ committed
- Danone with its Evian capacities will produce 100 000 bottles for hydroalcoholic gel
- Coop Sweden adds delivery slots for online orders for the elderly
- Walmart to offer rent relief to shops within its stores and ease financing for suppliers
- UK’s Sainsbury’s to assist smaller suppliers during Coronavirus pandemic
- Nestlé steps up global response to COVID-19 pandemic, joins forces with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- SPAR China supporting communities
- DESPAR Nordest Italia insures employees
- Kaufland: Biggest retailer in Romania offers its employees bonuses totaling EUR 1.6 mln amid Covid-19 crisis
- Migros updates on precautions against Coronavirus through a special page on the virus
- Syngenta to supply hand sanitizer to fight COVID-19
- Clark’s Coronavirus FAQ
- Ralph Lauren to make masks and gowns
- Danone North America commits $1.5 million to support food banks and food rescue organizations during Coronavirus crisis
- Symrise AG to produce 8 tons of disinfectant for internal use and donation to hospitals and federal health institutions in the Hannover Region
- Vanderlande: Making sure community stays active – virtual work-out
- GSK: Tips for managing self-isolation
- FIA: COVID-19 monitoring report, 21 – 27 March 2020
- Mondelēz International takes action to support and protect communities during Covid-19 crisis
- Unilever: Helping to protect lives and livelihoods from the Covid-19 pandemic
- Grocers leverage in-store tech during COVID-19
- Sainsbury’s response to the Coronavirus crisis
- IGA Alert: Coronavirus crisis ressource center
- Daymon: Updated IDC Retail News – special edition on Coronavirus
- Lotte: Implementing proactive protective measures to overcome COVID-19
- Hormel Foods‘ CEO shares message of hope: “Look to China and see ‘we can and will come out’ of Coronavirus pandemic” (complete coverage on crisis and actions: Hormel Foods Newsroom)
- Х5 Retail Group: “Pandemic brings ‘S’ back to ESG, Russian business responds” (bne Intellinews); other actions on Twitter profile
- Maspex donates 1 million food and beverage products to hospitals fighting with the pandemic
- Association of Convenience Stores UK (ACS): Resources for retailers
- World Federation of Advertisers: COVID compendium for global marketers
- Intermarché supports French market gardeners and fishermen (in French)
- Seven examples of brands’ reactions to the Covid-19 crisis (in French)
- Grupo Éxito anticipates payments to 867 small and medium suppliers (in Spanish)
- Carulla: recommendations post on Instagram (in Spanish)
- Surtimax: recommendations post on Facebook (in Spanish)
- Super Inter: recommendations post on Facebook (in Spanish)
- Loblaw, Metro announce pay boost for staff during COVID-19 pandemic
- SPAR: special website page on COVID-19 preparedness & responsiveness
- Disney donates surplus foods to food banks as parks remain closed amid coronavirus outbreak
- Beiersdorf provides 500 tons of disinfectant in Europe
- Tesco and M&S introduce special shopping hours for NHS workers during the coronavirus outbreak
- LVMH orders 40 million masks from China for France
- PepsiCo to provide enhanced benefits to all U.S. employees and additional compensation to U.S. frontline during unprecedented health pandemic
- Walmart and the Walmart Foundation commit $25 million to global COVID-19 response effort
- Six ways Johnson & Johnson is helping support Coronavirus relief efforts
- Alibaba pitches diagnostic tool to Europe in China outreach move
- FairPrice puts per-customer limits on some items after Malaysia lockdown sparks demand spike
- SC Johnson furthers efforts to help fight the spread and impact of COVID-19 with $5 million donation
- Coca-Cola Philippines re-channels P150M advertising budget for COVID-19 response
- The Coca-Cola Foundation donates $5 million in COVID-19 relief funding to Boys & Girls Clubs of America to support kids and families
- Stop & Shop, other grocers have special shopping hours for seniors
- Target builds on support for team and communities with $300 million+ investment
- Żabka donates PLN4.5mn to tackle Coronavirus pandemic In Poland (ESM)
- Whole Foods Market on Twitter: important update to store hours
- Migros Ticaret: Updated measures taken against the Covid-19 virus in stores and online channels, and video with English subtitles
- Grupo Exito: Online cooking classes (in Spanish)
- Grupo Exito: Recommendations for shopping (in Spanish)
- SupplyShift offers multi-tier supply chain mapping at no cost to assess COVID-19 impact
- Nestlé: Helping tackle the Covid-19 pandemic
- Tesco: “Together, we can do this”
- Boots: Recognising the coronavirus symptoms
- Daymon IDC Retail News special edition on Coronavirus
- FIA – Food Industry Asia: COVID-19 Food & Beverage Impact: Monitoring Update, 20 Mar 2020
- Hormel Foods reports on its COVID-19 actions and community support; company pledges $1 million to hunger-relief causes
- BrewDog begins making hand sanitiser amid shortages in UK
- Lawson‘s news release: cooperation for approach of new coronavirus infection prevention (in Japanese)
- L’Oréal launches a Europe-wide coronavirus solidarity programme
- Kellogg contributes funds and food to global COVID-19 food relief
- Retailers act to protect seniors from coronavirus shopping chaos and contamination
- French Minister of Finance and Minister of Agriculture write letter of thanks to agri-food sector for secruing the manufacturing process and supplying French consumers during crucial period (in French).
- Conad‘s CEO Francesco Pugliese: “Let’s not add confusion to fear, everything is availale in supermarkets” (in Italian)
- Grupo Exito‘s measures to mitigate the impacts of Covid-19 (in Spanish)
- Jerónimo Martins: Most relevant actions against Covid-19
- Ambev turns Brazil beer brewery into sanitizer plant to help coronavirus fight
- Pingo Doce: Open letter to customers (in Portuguese)
- Fenalco‘s (Colombia’s national federation of merchants) sends open letter to the people about importance of industry collaboration (in Spanish)
- E. Leclerc cooperative video to ensure no shortages (in French)
- Delhaize: Belgian supermarket chain moves to protect older people from coronavirus
- Amazon prioritizing shipments for medical supplies, household staples during coronavirus crisis
- Polish food retailers to start operating on Sunday to reduce congestion during Covid-19 pandemic
- Migros Ticaret shares infographics on social media, in-store and via email to support efforts against the Covid-19 virus: hygiene process and seven ways to avoid viruses
- The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation commits $3 million to help combat food insecurity during pandemic
- Unilever announces Covid-19 actions for all employees
- Whole Foods, Amazon enact temporary wage hike in coronavirus response
- Carrefour mounts shields for French cashiers in coronavirus crisis
- Danone is supporting parents and parents-to-be on supply concerns due to stockpiling and offers seven tips to protect your baby (in German), as part of its Aptamil Aptaclub
- Walmart‘s new COVID-19 policy to support the health of associates
- Pick n’ Pay launches special shopping hour for pensioners due to coronavirus
- ‘We have to keep our stores open’: Sobeys parent CEO Michael Medline on the impact of coronavirus
- Target, Walgreens, CVS and Walmart to offer drive-through coronavirus testing
- Walgreens takes omnichannel steps in response to coronavirus
- Six things retailers should do to keep calm and carry on: Responding to COVID-19
- UK supermarkets take steps to prevent panic buying and shortages
- Amazon to hire 100,000 warehouse and delivery workers amid coronavirus shutdowns
- Aussie supermarket chain Woolworths holds ‘elderly hour’ as panic buying continues
- Woolworths to offer care packages to elderly and people with disability
- How Singapore, and in particular Fairprice, are trying to prevent stockpiling
- Migros Ticaret : Precautions against the Covid-19 virus (in English) and short video (in Turkish)
- French retailers Monoprix and Franprix created a basket with basic groceries for 3-4 days for elderly customers (article in French)
- Examples from retailers around the world on what they’re doing to beat the coronavirus, keep customers safe and shelves stocked (Supermarket News)
- LVMH to produce hand sanitizer
- P&G to office workers: Work from home for rest of March
Highlighted Insights & Platforms
- Salesforce: A specialty foods retailer mounts effort to respond to the crisis
- AlixPartners: Covid-19 distrupts brand loyalties
- EY: How changing customer behavior should change your growth strategy
- EY: Which critical choices should businesses make next?
- BCG: The $2.5 trillion opportunity for grocers that are first to the future
- BCG: Shining a light on customer deman during the COVID-19 crisis
- IGD: What effects could COVID-19 have on the growth of private label?
- Deloitte: Establishing the road to a global consumer recovery
- McKinsey survey: US B2B decision-maker response to COVID-19 crisis
- IGD: France ends lockdown: our first look in store
- BCG: The new reality for Chief Supply Chain Officers
- BCG: A lighthouse to navigate the new reality
- Nielsen: Scenarios beyond COVID-19: rebound, reboot, reinvent
- AlixPartners: What toilet paper shortages say about human behavior
- Bain & Company: As consumers’ priorities change, how can markets keep up?
- AlixPartners: How to avoid financial risk from increasing online shopping
- AlixPartners: insights and advice for consumer products – Covid-19 Response
- IGD: COVID-19: could hard discount make a comeback?
- Accenture: COVID-19 will permanently change consumer behavior
- AlixPartners: insights and advice on grocery retail – Covid-19 Response
- Alvarez & Marsal: the impact of COVID-19 on major U.K. retailers
- BCG: The need for a greener post-COVID world
- BCG: COVID-19 perspectives: facts, scenarios, and actions for leaders
- Capgemini: consumer sentiment research in the consumer products & retail industry.
- BCG: COVID-19: win the fight, win the future
- EY: How long-term value fits into the short-term COVID-19 imperative
- BCG: Advantage beyond the COVID-19 crisis
- BCG: COVID-19 and the emerging market consumer
- HBR: Harvard Business Review special Coronavirus coverage
- McKinsey: How companies can prepare for the next normal
- IGD: Managing your range during the pandemic
- AlixPartners: Insights and advice for consumer products
- IHRB: Respecting Human Rights in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- ILO: Standards and COVID-19 (coronavirus)
- ILR School: Work and the coronavirus
- IRIS-IOM: Guidance for employers & business to enhance migrant worker protection
- Pillar Two: Managing business-related human rights risks during and after C-19
- UNDP: Human Rights Due Diligence and COVID-19: Rapid Self-Assessment for Business
- Verité: External links to recommendations, resources and best practices
- FLA: Protecting workers during and after the global pandemic
- Nielsen: Tracking the impact of COVID-19 on FMCG, retail and media
- BCG: Tracking spending on food and household goods amid COVID-19
- BCG: Leading out of adversity and dealing with transnational challenges
- BCG: Tomorrow’s innovation leaders are made today
- Bain & Company: How to prepare for the world beyond coronavirus
- EY: How COVID-19 could change consumer behaviour
- Accenture: Impact of COVID-19 on consumer goods
- BCG: Leading sales through the COVID-19 Crisis
- ILO: The impact of COVID-19 on food retail
- BCG: Unlocking tomorrow’s ESG Opportunities
- Oliver Wyman: Responding to Covid-19: primer, scenarios, and implications
- BCG: Corporate citizenship’s moment of truth
- ITC: Supporting small businesses through the COVID-19 crisis
- BCG: Zero-based budgeting -why is now a unique time to launch a program?
- IGD: A summary of the CGF Walmart China webinar
- BCG: Sensing and shaping the post-Covid era
- IRi: Tracking the dramatic pivot of the U.S. consumer and shopper behavior
- BCG: Tracking spending on food and household goods amid Covid-19
- Nielsen: COVID-19 forces recalibration of priorities as world embraces new habits
- BCG: The rise of the AI-powered company in the postcrisis world
- EY: How do you find clarity in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis?
- BCG: COVID-19 consumer sentiment snapshot #3: turning the tide
- Accenture: Managing the human and business impacts of coronavirus
- Nielsen: COVID-19: Key questions all marketers should be asking
- BCG: Delivering essential products to consumers, uninterrupted
- BCG: Reaction, rebound, recession, and reimagination
- Egon Zehnder: Leadership in the COVID-19 Crisis
- IGD: Five things commercial teams can be doing right now
- BCG: Stabilizing supply chains in response to COVID-19
- China Chain Store & Franchise Association (CCFA): Guide for food retailers
- London Business School shares “The economics of a pandemic: the case of Covid-19”
- BCG: Big decisions for CEOs right now—and urgent questions about the time after
- IGD shares latest news on Covid-19 from around the world
- ITC: Supporting small businesses through the COVID-19 crisis
- Deloitte: The heart of resilient leadership – Responding to Covid-19
- KPMG: Covid-19 and global supply chains – responding to disruption
- IBM shares COVID-19 Action Guide: How to manage amid chaos, ambiguity and fear
- World Economic Forum shares Covid Action Platform
- McKinsey: what food retailers should do during the coronavirus crisis
- IRi on implications of Covid-19 for CPG and retail
- EY shares document on how to respond to Covid-19
- IGD shares information for the food and consumer goods industry
- Oliver Wyman share “six things retailers should do to keep calm and carry on”.
- KPMG share thoughts on “COVID-19: Immediate actions for organisations”.
- Deloitte on “six predictions for China’s pharma and health care sector”.
- BCG’s “Covid-19 consumer sentiment snapshot #1: setting the baseline”.