The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) is pleased to announce two new E2E papers: The Physical Internet and Modularisation.
The ‘Physical Internet’ paper, kindly produced by Eric Ballot (MINES ParisTech) as part of the E2E Value Chain Learning Series, shares a framework for efficient logistics. The transformation of the economy is taking place. New technologies unleash new potentials and with them come new players, new practices and new business models shaping a new demand. Download this paper and learn more from the potential of interconnected logistics.
The Modularisation Paper, entitled ‘Leveraging Modular Boxes in a Global Secondary Packaging System of FMCG Suppy Chains’, produced by the E2E Modularisation task force, was created to share the results of recent case studies conducted by the CGF on the topic of modular packaging. The task force believes this pilot would be a worthwhile cross-company effort to better understand the benefits and costs modularisation would bring to the supply chain.
For more information, please contact the End-to-End Value Chain team.