The Consumer Goods Forum’s (CGF) Food Waste Coalition of Action convened last week in Chicago, driving forward their ambitious agenda to tackle food waste and its impacts on climate change. 

During the CGF Board meeting, the Coalition’s Board Co-Sponsors McCain & Tesco and Co-Chairs Kellanova & Walmart, shared progress updates and issued calls to action on the following:

  • Critical link between climate change and food waste: The Coalition Co-Sponsors and Co-Chairs emphasized the moral, business, and planetary imperatives to reduce food waste.  The new report launched in Chicago highlighted that the true cost of food waste is undervalued by as much as 50% and the  cost of GHG emissions  could be 2 to 8 times greater in 25 years time.
  • Role of retailers in consumer engagement: They called on the entire board, especially the retailer community, to leverage their influence to inspire consumers to minimise household waste.
  • Launch of The Sustainable Kitchen website: They highlighted the launch of the Sustainable Kitchen, designed to showcase industry best practices for consumer engagement, promoting healthier and zero-waste recipes and tips.
  • Measurement and reporting: They encouraged members to understand, target, and measure waste in their operation. 

The Global Summit: “Fix the Food System” Panel Discussion

The Global Summit featured a pivotal panel discussion titled “Fix the Food System,” with representatives from WWF, Kellanova, Kroger, and Aldi Süd. The session addressed the fragility of global food systems amidst climate change-induced disruptions and socioeconomic inequalities. Panellists highlighted that food loss and waste (FLW) account for 10% of greenhouse gas emissions, with a carbon footprint equivalent to 3.3 billion metric tons of CO2. Reducing FLW offers a triple win: economic boost, enhanced food security, and environmental protection.

WWF emphasised the interconnectedness of food production, waste, conservation, and land use, positioning food waste as the entry point to sustainable food systems. Aldi and Kroger shared their respective companies’ strategies to combat food waste and emphasised the need for collaborative efforts to make significant progress. The WWF and CGF also introduced the Global Farm Loss Tool, aimed at standardising on-farm food loss measurement and accelerating farmer engagement.

Food Waste Share Session

The FW Share Session, hosted by Coalition Co-Chairs, focused on the business case for food waste reduction. Discussions included impact assessments for both retailers and manufacturers, with a call to action for members to understand waste in their operations and seek solutions from the CoA. The session also highlighted tools and platforms used by members to address household waste, and ideas were shared to enhance FW share sessions for the rest of 2024.

For more details on the CGF’s work to accelerate progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 and halve food loss per capita worldwide, visit