The CGF Collaboration for Healthier Lives (CHL) Coalition’s vision is to empower healthier people globally by inspiring healthier behaviour in stores, online and throughout communities around the world. Providing consumers with transparent information about the food they eat is a key part of our mission.
Within CHL, we know that it not easy for consumers to make healthier and more sustainable choices. We believe that the harmonisation of labels/information across countries could be a powerful way to raise awareness. Our Coalition of Action strives to understand behaviour change in consumers – what drives it and what impact labels and information have on the consumption of healthier and more sustainable products.
To share learnings from France, and by supporting the Institut de Commerce, The Consumer Goods Forum has translated the collaborative work on “Empowering Consumer Choice and Eco Design – best practices for FMCG companies with environmental labelling of food”. This paper was produced in June 2022 by the Institut de Commerce and the ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency). The paper is aimed to give the context of environmental labelling in France, the lessons learnt to date and guiding principles going forward which may be using for other actors to review.
We believe that global-local collaborations are key to positively impacting healthier lives and the Collaboration for Healthier Lives Coalition of Action looks forward to collaborating with key stakeholders and partners in France and beyond to support and nudge consumers towards healthier and more sustainable choices.