Eradicating forced labour is a task that no one person, company or organisation can achieve acting alone. The CGF Human Rights Coalition—Working to End Forced Labour (HRC) is committed to engaging with key stakeholders to best develop its approach and implement it with the greatest impact.

In October 2020, the HRC held two stakeholder consultations in order to receive input on its draft framework for the implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) systems in members’ own operations, and its draft Palm Oil Roadmap. The consultation closed on 16th November 2020, and the HRC thanks the many stakeholders who provided comments. The HRC and CGF Social Sustainability Team are now reviewing this feedback and incorporating it into the draft frameworks.

The HRC also issued a call for proposals from partners to support Coalition members in the implementation of the frameworks on the ground. The HRC and CGF Social Sustainability Team are also now reviewing submissions.

For any further comments or questions about this stakeholder consultation, please contact the CGF Social Sustainability team at [email protected]