On February 13th, The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Environmental Sustainability Director Ignacio Gavilan co-chaired a panel alongside Jan Dusek from shecco during ATMOsphere Japan in Tokyo. The conference, which was attended by 207 participants, provided the opportunity to discuss global and Japanese market trends in the HVAC&R sector with governmental representatives, end users, domestic and foreign manufacturers.
The panel discussion, entitled “Future of the Industry End User Panel”, included representatives from Yoshio Ice Manufacturing Refrigeration, Lawson, NARA COOP, AEON and Ajinomoto: companies who are at the forefront of the issue.
Ignacio spoke about the CGF’s three key environmental sustainability resolutions, including tackling deforestation, food waste and refrigeration. In 2010, the CGF’s members made a commitment to tackle the growing impact of refrigeration systems and in a move to sustain momentum, the CGF’s Board announced a second Refrigeration Resolution in October 2016 to continue the phase out of HFCs and call for the inclusion of HFCs in the Montreal Protocol. This proposed amendment was included in 2016: a huge step towards the global phase-out of harmful synthetic refrigerants.
During the panel, Ignacio went on to advise users to look at the depreciation calendar of their equipment, and as soon as the depreciation date is reached, to make the switch to natural refrigerants. “As citizens, as industrialists, as professionals, you’ve seen the benefits. It’s not an option today to ignore the impact of our activities on the environment anymore,” he said.
“Refrigeration technology management is, by far one of the most cost-effective climate mitigation strategies today. We encourage our members to have the ambition, stay committed to the decision, and to stay flexible in the approach.”
If you were not able to attend the event, but are interested to find out more, you may take a look at the live coverage of the event.
Download our Refrigeration Case Studies Booklet to learn about the progress made by our members.