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The Global Summit 2024 Roundup Publication 17 Jul 2024 Corporate The Global Summit 2024 Roundup
FLW Capability Assessment – Retailer Publication 04 Jul 2024 Food Waste FLW Capability Assessment – Retailer
FLW Capability Assessment – Manufacturer Publication 04 Jul 2024 Food Waste FLW Capability Assessment – Manufacturer
The Humans Behind Workforce Nutrition: A Case Study Booklet Publication 02 Jul 2024 Health & Wellness The Humans Behind Workforce Nutrition: A Case Study Booklet The Workforce Nutrition Alliance (WNA) was launched by The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in 2019 to bring access and knowledge about healthy nutrition to millions of employees in...
Driving Emissions Down and Profit Up by Reducing Food Waste Publication 13 Jun 2024 Food Waste Driving Emissions Down and Profit Up by Reducing Food Waste
Fractals Pilot Package Publication 11 Jun 2024 E2E Value Chain Fractals Pilot Package
Net Zero ESG Reporting Summary Publication 06 May 2024 Net Zero Net Zero ESG Reporting Summary
Forest Positive Beef Roadmap Guidance Publication 21 Mar 2024 Forest Positive Forest Positive Beef Roadmap Guidance
Forest Positive Beef Roadmap V1.1 Publication 21 Mar 2024 Forest Positive Forest Positive Beef Roadmap V1.1
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging in Indonesia Publication 14 Mar 2024 Plastic Waste Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging in Indonesia
Executive Summary – Digital Solutions for Preventative Health Playbook Publication 14 Mar 2024 Health & Wellness Executive Summary – Digital Solutions for Preventative Health Playbook
Digital Solutions for Preventative Health Playbook Publication 14 Mar 2024 Health & Wellness Digital Solutions for Preventative Health Playbook
The CGF 2023 Annual Report Publication 04 Mar 2024 The CGF 2023 Annual Report
Food Waste Knowledge Sharing Sessions 2023: Learning Report Publication 25 Jan 2024 Food Waste Food Waste Knowledge Sharing Sessions 2023: Learning Report
The Sustainable Retail Summit 2023 Executive Summary Publication 21 Nov 2023 Environmental Sustainability The Sustainable Retail Summit 2023 Executive Summary
Towards the 2030 Food Waste Commitment: Setting our Coalition Baseline Publication 16 Nov 2023 Food Waste Towards the 2030 Food Waste Commitment: Setting our Coalition Baseline