Healthy Children/Youth

1. Why

Health and wellness presents challenges as well as opportunities for the entire consumer goods industry in every country where people buy and use our products. As the only organisation bringing consumer goods retailers and manufacturers together globally, we find ourselves in the unique position of being able to reach these people in communities all over the world. The question is, what do we do with it?
As part of the CGF’s Health & Wellness Pillar, we understand our members have the capabilities to drive positive change and multiple interventions to reach the objective of working better together – as retailers and manufacturers – to help people and communities live healthier lives.
However, the reality of it is, not everybody does. We are, therefore, calling on you and your company to help spread the word. We are looking for ways to help and stories to tell.

2. What

As part of this, we recently kick-started our Healthier Communities work stream, and we now call on all of our members to get involved. This is an area where we can really take action collectively. And, to help you get started, our Healthier Communities working group has developed a 5-Step Framework. This simple, but effective, tool will help you to: 
  1. identify areas to work on;
  2. scope your actions;
  3. define the collaboration;
  4. develop a roadmap; and 
  5. measure your impact. 
The team has also taken it one step further by identifying issues of a global nature that require collaboration and are too big for any one actor to deal with alone. These are the areas we recommend you focus on:
  1. Healthy Children/Youth 
  2. Diabetes 
  3. Healthy Hydration 
  4. Healthy Heart 
  5. Maternal Health 
  6. Wellbeing 
  7. Hygiene 
  8. Healthy Ageing
We know that we can have a tremendous and positive impact on these challenges if we work together as one global industry. We know the issues are complex and that they require multi-stakeholder collaborations, but we do have a key role to play in this if we are to be seen publicly as part of the solution. We here at the CGF are dedicated to helping you get there.

3. How

We ask that your company gets in contact with us. Let us know what area in the global framework you are already working on. How can others at the CGF work with you – including retailers and manufacturers across food, beverages, personal care and hygiene? You may already have partnerships that we can learn from, leverage and scale.  
Whether it is a small project in one of your stores or a larger initiative, we will aim to get multiple manufacturers and retailers working together to build and expand 1:1 initiatives to bring about more sustainable and healthier growth.  
In fact, kudos to those who have already shared their stories with us. We have some great examples of retailer and manufacturer collaboration in our Health & Wellness toolkit:


Healthy Hydration

Healthy Heart

Maternal Health



Healthy Ageing

Ahold Delhaize and J&J










KAO and Aeon


















WBA and Danone





WBA and Novartis








WBA and Unilever





We are seeing great projects between our members on promoting healthy eating habits, cooking skills, recipes, training of dietitians and pharmacists, rewarding consumers when they make healthier choices, providing information on diabetes and much more. To enrich the already powerful list of collaborative projects, we ask you to share with us your collaboration stories, highlighting why the decision was made, who the collaboration is with, the approach you’ve taken and the impact you’ve had. We will then share your stories and work with the Healthier Communities working group to inspire others to support this initiative.

4. Who

There is no limit to the companies who can join the cause – retailers and manufacturers. If we focus on our common objective to contribute to helping people in communities around the world live healthier lives, we will make a difference.

5. Where

Finally, to help showcase even further some of the positive actions being undertaken around the world, we will highlight our work on empowering healthier communities at our upcoming Sustainable Retail Summit, which takes place in Paris on the 27th & 28th October. Your fellow members from Ahold Delhaize, Danone, Barilla, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Migros and Pick n Pay have already confirmed that they will share their experiences on how they are working with communities to support healthier lifestyles.  So, join us in Paris to learn more.
Alternatively, to join the Healthier Communities work stream, contact the Health and Wellness team on [email protected]. And, to learn more about our Health & Wellness work, visit or our online toolkiet at