Sustainable Retail Summit
Join the heads of the CGF’s health and sustainability Coalitions to learn more about the core themes on show at the Sustainable Retail Summit. Any questions about the Coalitions or interested in joining them? The SRS Official Opening Cocktail will be the opportunity to speak at greater length!
Room: Plenary Hall – Bishopsgate Forum (Level 3)
In this session, we will address daily challenges in driving business impact for health and sustainability, offering strategies for aligning long-term goals, prioritising customer needs and breaking the silos on people & planet. Panelists, bringing together a number of the CGF’s Coalition co-chairs, will discuss the steps needed to ensure all departments are working towards the same goals, from vision through to operational realities and will share what they are currently doing to overcome the challenges and advance the Coalitions they are helping lead.
Room: Plenary Hall – Bishopsgate Forum (Level 3)
Despite concerted efforts across sectors like health, food waste reduction, and net-zero initiatives, changing consumer behavior remains a significant challenge. In this session, Solitaire Townsend (Futerra) will explore innovative approaches to overcoming barriers to adopting sustainable practices and highlight effective strategies for consumer messaging and engagement, placing consumers at the heart of sustainability efforts.
Room: Plenary Hall – Bishopsgate Forum (Level 3)
Join this session to learn more about WWF’s innovative WWF Basket approach to tracking and improving sustainability in food retail environments. We’ll explore how this holistic framework captures a comprehensive range of climate and environmental data submitted by food retailers, including Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Discussion will cover various interconnected aspects of the WWF Basket, such as efforts to combat deforestation, the shift towards conversion-free supply chains, food system transformation, mitigation of nature degradation, and climate impact reduction. We’ll also examine how these factors affect consumers and highlight the crucial link between climate change and nature loss. Join us to gain insights into this multifaceted approach that addresses both climate and nature concerns in the food retail sector.
Room: Plenary Hall – Bishopsgate Forum (Level 3)
Join Kirsty Saddler, Director of Health & Sustainability Programmes at IGD, as she examines the groundbreaking food system net zero plan released in the United Kingdom in November 2024, which provides a basis for the nation’s food system to transition to net zero in a more co-ordinated and collaborative way. Kirsty will discuss the key components of this comprehensive strategy and how it addresses the complex challenges of reducing greenhouse gas emissions across the entire food supply chain. Attendees will gain insights into the innovative policies, technologies and collaborative efforts proposed to transform agricultural practices, food production, distribution, and consumption patterns.
Room: Plenary Hall – Bishopsgate Forum (Level 3)
Location: 22 Bishopsgate – Networking Area (Level 3)
Timings & sessions may be subject to change.