Commit to demonstrating progress towards DCF for all relevant commodities (notably soy, palm, paper, pulp and packaging, and beef) by setting a DCF commitment with ambitious cut-off and target dates and with regular milestones and action plans, and publicly reporting on %DCF(1)
Start adopting regenerative agriculture practices to protect soil health and reduce carbon emissions
Scale up regenerative agriculture practices, preferably in line with external frameworks e.g. OP2B or SAI, and adopt a landscape approach where relevant
Elimination of deforestation, forest degradation and conversion from key commodity supply chains[2]
Collection of strategies and systemic efforts to ensure DCF supply chains for key commodities such as soy, palm oil, beef and paper[2]
Strategy that encourages companies to go beyond stopping deforestation by promoting the regeneration and protection of forests across their entire supply chain, focusing on key commodities like palm oil, soy, beef, and paper[1]
Practices such as using cover crops, crop rotation, tillage reduction of perennials with the aim to improve soil fertility, water retention, biodiversity enhancement, carbon sequestration and to foster more resilient agricultural systems[3]
Integration of economic, social, and environmental considerations by addressing issues within the context of the broader ecosystem and society, ensuring sustainable development that benefits both current and future generations[4]