As a Coalition, we have decided to focus on removing deforestation, forest conversion and degradation from the production of four high-demand commodities in our industry. These commodities — palm oil, soy, paper, pulp, and fibre-based packaging (PPP), and beef — are often produced in a way that has devastating impacts on our world’s natural resources.
As a result, the Coalition has created Roadmaps for each commodity to guide the transformation needed to implement and practice forest positive production. In line with the Coalition’s vision that collaborative action is key to sustainable change, these Roadmaps have been developed through extensive consultation with various stakeholders, especially NGOs. Each Roadmap includes a set of commitments, an action plan for achieving them, and a set of key performance indicators (KPIs). The Roadmaps are structured around five key areas of action:
- Managing Own Supply Chains: Members seek to ensure their own supply of each commodity is forest positive as the foundation of their commitment to the Forest Positive Approach.
- Engaging Suppliers, Traders and/or Meatpackers: Members seek to do business with upstream suppliers, traders, and/or meatpackers who are also committed to forest positive implementation across their entire business and find opportunities for collaboration to drive sector-wide transformation.
- Monitoring and Response/Managing High-risk Origins/Addressing High-priority Origins: Members are working to build a shared understanding of deforestation and conversion in production landscapes, countries, and/or regions, and seek to use this information in engagement with and to monitor suppliers, traders, and/or meatpackers, and landscape initiatives.
- Engaging in Production Landscapes: Members are working to drive transformational change in key production landscapes through positive engagement in high-priority origins.
- Increasing Transparency and Accountability: Members are tracking, verifying, and reporting publicly on their progress implementing the actions of each Roadmap focused on their own supply, engagement with suppliers, traders and/or meatpackers, and priority landscapes.
More information and additional resources about members’ actions around engaging upstream supply chain partners, investing in production landscapes, reporting on their actions and impact, and working collaboratively with stakeholders are available here. A full list of the public information requirements and KPIs in the Roadmaps is available here and results of the Coalition’s collective annual reporting exercise are available here.
The Coalition is also developing Guidance on the Forest Positive Roadmaps, which will include supporting information to help businesses with the implementation of the actions in each Commodity Roadmap. These documents will serve as an update and replacement to the CGF Sustainable Sourcing Guidelines for palm oil, soy, and paper, pulp & fibre-based packaging.
Download the Forest Positive Commodity Roadmaps and, when available, the implementation guidance, below.