Ajinomoto Group’s Commitment at Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit, Tokyo

As a member of the Workforce Nutrition Alliance, the Ajinomoto Group announced at the Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021 two specific targets for its workforce as components of its Commitment to Nutrition: 

  • Improve employee health through four pillars: providing healthy meals, nutrition education, health check-ups, and maternity leave. 
  • Provide nutrition education to a total of 100,000 employees by 2025.

Overview of Progress

The Ajinomoto Group is proud to have made significant progress that reflects the impact of its workforce nutrition efforts on employee wellbeing.

  • As the entire Group works to improve nutrition in the workplace, the company’s Japan headquarters plus 16 companies in its business structure – up from 14 companies when it began in 2022 – participate in the WNA programme, which covers 70% of the company’s total employees.
  • Through expansion of workforce nutrition programs, setting clear and measurable KPIs and promoting external communication, the company has seen a 13% increase in its weighted average for the WNA scorecard self-assessment from 2022 to 2023.
  • The Ajinomoto Group’s nutrition literacy programme began in Japan and has expanded globally to include all 35,000 employees working across nearly 100 of its companies. As of 2023, the company has achieved 88,000 touchpoints. Through its nutrition education program, employees have gained valuable nutrition knowledge, enjoyed well-balanced meals in the company cafeteria, and practiced healthy eating habits.
  • In its 2023 employee engagement survey, 82% of employees responded favorably when asked if the company provides an environment that supports maintaining and promoting health (both mental and physical). 

Challenges Faced and Lessons Learnt

The Ajinomoto Group operates in countries around the world and recognized that a one-size-fits-all approach to workforce nutrition would not work. Instead, it encourages each Ajinomoto Group company to develop workforce nutrition improvement initiatives that take into account the local culture, needs and regulations in each country.

  • Working closely with WNA, Ajinomoto Co., Inc. established self-assessment guidelines that allow each company to optimise and tailor its assessment to the specific condition of each workplace. Following the self-assessment process, best practices are shared back with companies, and directions are prepared to help companies plan and work with internal and external partners to deliver on the workforce nutrition commitments in a way that works for them.
  • Nutrition education is tailored to the employees in each company to ensure it is appropriate and relevant. This includes a variety of formats like nutrition education seminars, e-learning sessions or distribution of newsletters, etc. using localised original materials or template materials provided by the Ajinomoto Group’s Japan headquarters.

While initiatives such as nutrition education and providing healthy meals at work are important, the Ajinomoto Group believes that the key to bringing about behavioural change is for employees to understand their own health status. The Ajinomoto Group has long recognised the importance of prevention based on its experience conducting health checkups at its headquarters in Japan and has been implementing measures to support employee self-care at its international companies, led by each company in accordance with the laws, culture and circumstances of each country, company and its employees.

Impact on the Workforce

In Japan

  • Healthy meals in the workplace, offering a menu that meets standard nutritional balance while being delicious. 
  • The aminoSTEP™ app, developed to support healthy lifestyles with user-friendly features that make it simple for employees to stay engaged, fostering consistent usage and the development of long-term healthy habits.
  • Health-focused seminars on topics such as non-smoking and sugar reduction.
  • Annual health check-ups, including 30-minute consultations with health practitioners, with individual health statuses accessible online.


In Brazil

  • Integrate health initiatives in its cafeteria, drawing on the original concept of “Kachimeshi®,” which promotes well-balanced meals, to support employees in making positive behaviour changes regarding their dietary habits.
  • A 2-3 month lifestyle improvement programme where small groups of employees receive support from doctors, nutritionists and physical trainers, among other professionals, to help enhance their diet, exercise and sleep.
  • Full health checkup programme available for all employees from 2023 that expands on Brazil’s health checkup system.


In Spain

  • The company offers a comprehensive programme to support the diet, exercise and mental health of employees. The programme utilises a digital platform to provide a diverse range of content, including cooking contests and yoga classes. 
  • Additionally, employees have the option of receiving health checks and online consultations with a physician, nutritionist, or other qualified professional.

In the ASEAN region

In Thailand: 

  • The company has established guidelines for the provision of complimentary healthy meals, snacks and drinks to employees two or three times per week. 
  • They have developed a mobile application that provides personalised health and nutrition information, including user health targets, records of nutritional intake, health check results, recommended meal plans, and other relevant data.

In Indonesia and Vietnam:

  • The companies have programmes in place to improve their employees’ nutrition literacy to support in external engagement with stakeholders in the field of health and nutrition as well as with their governments and other organisations to support school lunch infrastructure and provide nutritional education to children.


By offering healthy meals, nutrition education, health check-ups, and seminars, the company has fostered a culture of wellness and self-care. These initiatives empower employees to understand health issues, reflect on their wellbeing, and take proactive measures to maintain healthy lifestyles. In a company survey, approximately 70% of employees said that the Ajinomoto Group’s health initiatives made them think about behavioral changes and take action. Employees feel supported in their health and well-being, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

This positive correlation between employee health and Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value (ASV) underscores the value of its initiatives, creating a virtuous cycle of social and economic benefits. By prioritizing workforce nutrition and enhancing employees’ nutrition literacy, the Ajinomoto Group is able to equip them to collaborate with partners externally on health and nutrition topics, thereby contributing to its broader mission of enhancing global wellness.

Support from the Workforce Nutrition Alliance (WNA)

The Ajinomoto Group has been using the Workforce Nutrition Alliance’s scorecard to assess a baseline for its initiatives and provide a snapshot that helps identify areas for improvement. In 2023, 17 companies conducted annual self-assessments using the scorecard. By monitoring progress and making data-informed decisions, the company can continually refine its initiatives to better meet set goals. The scorecard provides visibility into the company’s efforts, ensuring that its workforce nutrition programs are aligned with long-term objectives and can be adapted as needed to remain effective.

The Ajinomoto Group’s purpose is to contribute to the wellbeing of all human beings, our society and our planet with “AminoScience”. The company aims to help extend the healthy life expectancy of one billion people by 2030 and help resolve the food and health challenges associated with dietary habits and aging. The company believes that the wellbeing of its employees is fundamental to this purpose.

By joining the Workforce Nutrition Alliance and registering its commitment at the Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021, the company has been able to tangibly demonstrate to its employees its company-wide dedication to workforce nutrition.

Learn More

About CGF Collaboration for Healthier Lives Coalition of Action

  • The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF)’s CEO-led Coalition of Action on Collaboration for Healthier Lives (CHL) is about making it easier for people around the world to adopt healthier lives for themselves and their families.
  • CHL initiatives running across 9 countries and involving over 160 organisations.
  • As a collective, members of the CGF, and their partners, are exploring, experimenting, innovating, and evolving business models to support positive change, while sharing data and knowledge at scale, cross industry. Health is not a competitive advantage; it’s a basic necessity. And it’s clear no company can solve this issue alone.
  • Collaboration is needed at scale and across sectors if the consumer goods industry is to play the necessary role in the health and wellbeing of people. 
  • For more information please visit our website
  • Contact the CHL team to have your employee wellbeing programmes featured.

About the Workforce Nutrition Alliance

The Workforce Nutrition Alliance (WNA), co-founded by The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), achieved several milestones since its inception in 2019. We are proud our nutrition programmes have reached 6 million workers through our advocacy and technical support, and we are working towards 10 million by 2030. Read our latest progress review. 

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