PARIS, 24th March 2021 The Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI) from The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) has today launched “SSCI Insights,” a brand-new virtual interview series created to take a deeper look at the SSCI’s mission to build trust in sustainability standards worldwide. Featuring members of the SSCI Coalition of Action, owners of schemes undergoing SSCI benchmarking, and other experts in the sustainable procurement and sourcing field, “Insights” will offer thought leadership and critical perspectives from those working with the consumer goods industry’s sustainability benchmark of choice.

The first episode features CGF Director of Sustainability, Didier Bergeret, who oversees the SSCI Coalition alongside the CGF’s Forest Positive Coalition and Human Rights Coalition Working to End Forced Labour. With host Madelaine VanDerHeyden from the CGF, Bergeret offers thoughts on how the sustainability landscape has evolved since the launch of the SSCI in 2017, the value of SSCI membership, and how the SSCI works alongside the other CGF Coalitions to drive alignment among sustainability expectations across the consumer goods industry’s global supply chains.

“We are very pleased to launch this new series to recognise the valuable expertise and insights that SSCI members, partners, and applicant schemes bring to the table.” said Bergeret. “Supply chain sustainability is a complex issue and it is vitally important that we engage in dialogues across our industry to better understand challenges, opportunities and avenues for greater collaboration and harmonisation.”

Episodes will be released monthly on the CGF website. “Insights” joins several other successful interview series from the CGF, including the CEO Interview Series, the Sustainable Leaders Series, and the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Expert Series

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About the Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative

The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI) builds trust in sustainability standards worldwide by benchmarking third-party auditing and certification programmes and recognising schemes that meet industry expectations. By providing an open-source list of recognised programmes, the SSCI delivers clear guidance on which schemes cover key sustainability criteria and apply relevant verification practices. The SSCI improves transparency in the market, facilitates decision-making on schemes at both buyer and supplier level and sets the responsible sourcing expectations for the industry. The Initiative initially focuses on social compliance with the potential to expand the scope to environmental compliance. For more information, visit



About The Consumer Goods Forum

The Consumer Goods Forum (“CGF”)is a global, parity-based industry network that is driven by its members to encourage the global adoption of practices and standards that serves the consumer goods industry worldwide. It brings together the CEOs and senior management of some 400 retailers, manufacturers, service providers, and other stakeholders across 70 countries, and it reflects the diversity of the industry in geography, size, product category and format. Its member companies have combined sales of EUR 3.5 trillion and directly employ nearly 10 million people, with a further 90 million related jobs estimated along the value chain. It is governed by its Board of Directors, which comprises more than 58 manufacturer and retailer CEOs. For more information, please visit:


For further information, please contact:

Thomas van Haaren

Senior Manager, SSCI

The Consumer Goods Forum

[email protected]

Madelaine VanDerHeyden

Communications Officer

The Consumer Goods Forum

[email protected]

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